Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Scene 3, Episode 1

Reality T.V minus the T.V:
::Tuesday:: 12:30 a.m.

(As Disney's "Enchanted" is put into the DVD player by 9 year old Jordan, ZAN begins his slow drift into a solemn slumber in front of the tube. As he awakes, the TV off, lights dimmed, noises of all his company preparing for bed, he realizes the movie has ended.)

(Faint/muffled mariachi music playing anonymously somewhere. The parties all slowly return.)
Patrick: What's that music?
the kids: Yeah what is that? Where is it coming from?
Samantha: Whateva, it's probably Drew listening to Mexican music down the hallway!
(Pat opens window in confusion but gives up search. ZAN is still half-conscious from his catnap. When everyone clears the room and prepares for bed, ZAN climbs the stairs to Samantha's room and joins her.)
ZAN: Who is listening to that music???
Samantha: I know....... It sounds like its coming.. from your assssss???
ZAN: You're SO dumb...
(Samantha opens window and John presses ears to vents in confusion.)
ZAN: It's so close!!!??
Samantha: It is...
(They both meticulously follow the sound encroaching the nights beautiful silence. They roll around the room to every potential audible outlet for noise and trace back to their original position. Both parties look at each other.)
Samantha: It's coming from your ass.
(A moment of clarity, ZAN pulls his cellular phone out of his pocket. All along the music was inconspicuously playing on its own, turned on by gluteus forces during his "Enchanted" slumber.)

Samantha: I told you it was coming out of your ass.

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